How To Set Up MyFitnessPal

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Macro counting as a lifestyle requires that you have an app to track all of your meal intake throughout the day. MyFitnessPal (or MFP) is my app of choice (although there are many options), I just feel that this ease of use and the size of the database is the best option. While I realize the premium version of the app costs money, it is MUCH easier and clearer to use in my opinion for a beginner. It gives you the ability to clearly put your macros on the top of your main page and plan your day out. YOU CAN absolutely use another app like My Macros+, a notebook, or the free version of MFP etc. but if you want simplicity and to not complicate and already complicated learning curve you may want to upgrade at some point!

I’m going to walk you through how to set up your MFP app and account so that you can get started tracking ASAP.

Step One: Input Your Custom Macros

First thing to do in the app, is to set your macros. If you don’t already know what your target macro goals are, I sell custom macro counts and programs here. This can be set up in the settings. If you have upgraded to premium, you can make Macronutrients your main page setting the custom dashboard to “Macronutrients Focused”.

For Premium My Fitness Pal:

  • Click the Yellow Crown in the top right corner to see the settings menu

  • Select “Home Screen Dashboard”

  • And select “Macronutrient Focused”

For the Free version of My Fitness Pal:

  • Click “… MORE” in the bottom right corner to bring up the settings menu

  • Select GOALS

  • Select Calorie, Carbs, Protein and Fat Goals

  • Add in your Target calories provided and adjust percentages until the grams next to “Carbohydrates’, Protein and Fat” are accurate

NOTE: For those with the free version: You will be watching your percentages on a secondary page. First way to see It is to turn the app sideways to landscape view and scroll to the bottom to TOTALS. You will see protein, fat and carbs there. Another way to track is to scroll to the bottom of your main page and click “NUTRITION” with the pie chart icon on it. The Protein, Fats and Carbs are in there!

Step Two: Turn Off Exercise Calories.

My custom program numbers and most provided custom counts will already account for your daily energy expenditure (aka your activity and workouts) in the mathematical equation used to calculate your macros. Therefore, you will try to hit the same numbers every day consistently and we don’t need that setting on.

For Premium My Fitness Pal:

  • Click the Crown in the top right corner to see the settings menu

  • Select “Exercise Calorie Settings”

  • And Slide the bar OFF next to “Adjust my calorie goal”

For the Free version of My Fitness Pal:

If your phone’s steps counter in on, or it is linked to a fitness watch or heartrate monitor, the exercise calories will be automatically added to your day. Your goal is to keep that exercise calorie at 0. So if you see that the phone is adding these calories in, Swipe left on the exercise it shows and delete any exercise that’s automatically added, or turn off the synching feature to any devices that sync to the My Fitness Pal app.

  • Click “…MORE” in the bottom right corner to bring up the settings menu

  • Select Apps & Devices

  • Select “Connected” and disconnect any synced features for the time being.

Now you’re ready to begin inputting and tracking. This may take a week or so to get used to but I promise that with time and practice, you’ll get the hang of it and it will become second nature.


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