My Easy Hack For Adding More Protein To Your Diet

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Client Question: “Do you have any tips for adding protein? I’m four weeks in to the pwr at home program and have recently started counting macros and find its really hard to hit my protein! Thanks for any advice.”

This subject is one that literally changed the course of everything for me. I had been working out for about 3-4 months and had seen so many changes in my body, but kind of stood still for a while. I began researching plateaus and macros, and with how much I love macros, for the purposes of this post, I really want to gear it towards anyone at any point, whether they workout or not, to read this and apply it to their own meal choices, because it really matters.

The very first thing I did was literally google protein sources. I learned protein is pretty much made up of meats, eggs, dairy, nuts, beans, vegetables, all sorts of things I had no idea about, and also realized that I was not consuming much of it. I next took pen to paper and wrote out everything I LIKE in this category. For me, and as picky as I am, it wasn't much, but chicken, turkey, deli meat, eggs, breakfast meat, nuts, spinach, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.  I also figured out I could add 20-30 grams of protein my day with a protein shake. The next step was to apply these foods to my main meals the next day, and then worry about the sides after. I figured out I could have eggs for breakfast instead of waffles, for lunch I could have a to go homemade Cobb salad on the playground and for dinner, an instant pot chicken recipe. I started to apply one of the foods I identified, to each big meal, rather then trying to add more meals to my day. This effort literally changed everything. Paired with exercise, I started to gain muscle and strength, and change body composition. I felt amazing, energized, quick, and was consistent, not starving, or miserable and cravings at night were mostly gone because my nutritional needs were met.

Here is a master list of protein sources so that you can go through and put a little check box next to the sources that you LIKE to eat and start there when trying to increase protein in your diet:


  • Chicken

  • Eggs, Egg Whites

  • Turkey (Ground turkey, turkey burgers, sliced turkey)

  • Beef

  • Tuna

  • Salmon

  • Pork Tenderloin

  • Jerky

  • Shrimp

  • Nonfat Cottage Cheese

  • Protein Powder/Protein Smoothies (try to do 1-2 scoops per day max!)


  • low fat cottage cheese

  • non-fat greek yogurt

  • whole weat or lentil pasta (banza is my favorite!)

  • chickpeas

  • skim milk

  • quinoa

  • lentils

  • veggies

  • beans

  • peas

  • sprouted breads

  • protein waffles

  • protein pancakes


  • eggs

  • salmon

  • bacon

  • full fat cottage cheese

  • chia seeds

  • red meat

  • tuna

  • cheese

  • fish

  • whole fat milk

  • whole fat yogurt

  • dark meat poultry


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