Macro-Friendly Pumpkin Pie Recipe

Oh my gourd!! Can you believe it’s almost Thanksgiving?! Fall is officially here, my pumpkin radar is off the charts, and I WANT ALL THE PUMPKIN THINGS.

I started craving Pumpkin Pie which is a favorite of mine, and while I'll absolutely devour my mom's pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving, I wanted to come up with a way to still enjoy this delicious treat while keeping my goals in mind.

I love a good challenge and while pumpkin is yummy, it is also very nutrient rich, high in fiber and low in calories. I worked some magic on our traditional recipe and came up with a significantly lower calorie pumpkin pie that is both decadent and macro-friendly!

If you've followed me very long at all, you'll know I'm a sweets person. I love ALL types of desserts, and many of the "all or nothing" diets I struggled with in the past were usually completely abandoned after a week or two because I had to restrict myself from the things I enjoyed, so I'd crash and eat a whole sleeve of cookies, then give up.

Now, one of the first things I tell my clients (and a rule I follow myself) is to account for your non-negotiables first. Pumpkin pie is my non-negotiable for fall, and this delicious recipe will be on repeat all season long!

~Time: 10 minutes prep, 1 hour bake time
Macros: 20C/0F/2P


15 oz can Pumpkin Pie Filling
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
2 tsp cinnamon
1/3 cup wheat flour
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
1/3 cup sugar
1 cup fat free milk of choice
2 tsp cornstarch
2 1/2 tsp vanilla extract


Preheat the oven to 325 F. Combine all dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl, then add in pumpkin, vanilla, and milk. Whisk all ingredients together until smooth. Place in 9" pie dish, and bake for 1 hour. Let cool, then serve topped with crumbled graham crackers and fat free whipped cream!
Enjoy! :)

Quick tips for this recipe...

  • Use this handy food scale to weight out all your ingredients into one large bowl to keep from dirtying a lot of dishes or measuring cups!

  • Pulse all ingredients in a small food processor or blender for easy cleanup!

  • You can use any sweetener, flour, or milk of choice!


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