The 5 Most Powerful Lessons I’ve Learned: Part 2

There are five lessons that I've learned along my journey - and they're so important, I want you to learn them too. Last week, we learned that if food isn't our problem - hunger isn't our solution. Are you ready for round two?

Lesson #2:

I have to get through the difficult parts of my journey to make it to my destination. Repeat it with me: I have to get through the difficult parts of my journey to make it to my destination.

The journey of health and wellness is HARD. Yeah - I said it. Some days and weeks are harder than others. Some days might feel like a walk in the park, then some days you may feel super discouraged or frustrated with the SLOW but HEALTHY process of the journey you're on. You might think that falling back into old habits or giving up might be worth it...⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

BUT this is the time to remind yourself you can't get to your goal without getting through this workout, this bad day, this hard moment. That goal is earned through the discipline, the work, and through building your mental toughness and endurance as much as building physical strength and endurance. You have to learn how to coach yourself through learning to ignore the 'devil on your shoulder' and learning to listen to the 'angel' on the other shoulder that is encouraging you.

One of the most powerful things I've ever learned is that I am strong enough to do anything for a short amount of time - whether that's a 10 minute run, a 30 minute workout, or even hours of labor to bring my daughters into this world. What is that 10 minutes, 30 minutes, or even 24 hours to the rest of my life in the grand scheme of things?

Our bodies are STRONG and they can handle the difficulty of this journey. Fight through these hard days, remember your strength, give yourself grace, because every day is a new day and another chance at greatness!⠀

Ready to start your journey? Want to learn more? Find me on Instagram or learn more about my programs here! And stay tuned for Lesson Number THREE next week!


The 5 Most Powerful Lessons I’ve Learned: Part 3


The 5 Most Powerful Lessons I’ve Learned: Part 1