The 5 Most Powerful Lessons I’ve Learned: Part 3

Let's quickly recap what we've learned so far:

  1. Lesson One: If food isn't our problem - hunger isn't our solution.

  2. Lesson Two: I have to get through the difficult parts of my journey to make it to my destination. 

Lesson #3:
I can do hard things.⠀

Repeat it with me: I can do hard things. You can do hard things. You sure can. You've probably done some really hard stuff in your life or been though harder times and came out on top.

Often when we experience something difficult, and especially if it's new to us, our brains tend to freak out and tell our bodies "you can't do this." Research shows that our human brains have a negativity bias - which basically means our brains react more strongly to negative experiences than positive ones. This is great to keep us safe, but it's often a barrier to helping us reach our goals.

So, how do we combat this negativity bias in our brains?

First, we have to be AWARE that this exists. In acceptance, we can work on soaking in positivity, focusing on gratitude, and choosing our words wisely around our goals to build a positive mindset.

For example, you're trying a new workout that you've never done before. Accept that this is new and unknown, and understand that your brain might try to discourage your body due to the fear of the unknown and the possibility of physical discomfort. Reframe your thoughts around this time with positivity, and tell yourself:

"This is a new and exciting experience (Positivity). I may experience some physical discomfort, but that will lead to personal growth (Acceptance). I am thankful that my body is capable of physical activity and that I have this time to focus on myself and my personal growth (gratitude). I can do hard things (Mindset)."

This hard thing you're doing now to help live a healthier lifestyle, or get to a goal, you've got it. You can do hard things.

Want to learn more? Looking for community & accountability on your journey? Find me on Instagram or learn more about my programs here! And stay tuned for Lesson Number FOUR next week!


The 5 Most Powerful Lessons I’ve Learned: Part 4


The 5 Most Powerful Lessons I’ve Learned: Part 2