The 5 Most Powerful Lessons I’ve Learned: Part 4

Let's quickly recap what we've learned so far:

  1. If food isn't our problem - hunger isn't our solution.

  2. I have to get through the difficult parts of my journey to make it to my destination.

  3. I can do hard things.

Lesson #4:
Learn to love the sucky parts.⠀

Yes, you read that correctly. You know the part of a workout, where at the end of a tough plank hold or the last few reps of a difficult set, you think "THIS SUCKSSSSS" 😂? What I mean here is learning to lean into that feeling, and learning to love it.

Making changes is hard. Everyone would be doing it if it weren't.

Pushing yourself through those tough sets and reps or calling yourself out on weakness where you have it in you to be stronger is where you're going to make real change in your life. Learning to love how much those little moments suck really helps.

You think the pain of that last rep or the last song of Zumba or that burn at the end of a plank where I'm dying is cozy and comfortable for me even at this stage, over four years into my journey? NOPE.

BUT I know I'll never regret the workout, and I'll be mentally and physically stronger and all the better for how proud I am that I pushed through that hard moment!

Want to learn more? Looking for community & accountability on your journey? Find me on Instagram or learn more about my program here! And stay tuned for Lesson Number FIVE next week!


The 5 Most Powerful Lessons I’ve Learned: Part 5


The 5 Most Powerful Lessons I’ve Learned: Part 3